Beyond Disaster Recovery

horse cropped

There is no “one size fits all” to longevity.  We work with your goals in mind. Our IT professionals can create the perfect solution for you or your company.


Planning- Our planning session looks at requirements and financial viability. It’s at this stage we create a risk assessment ,exit strategy and terms of service. All 3rd party vendors are analyzed and assessed to give optimum picture of the requirements.

Documentation- Everything is meticulously documented in stored with our highly secured central storage repository. A calendar is developed to test credentials and services on a regular basis. All 3rd party and outside vendors are contacted by this calendar.

Execution- This


Trustee Services

In the real world assets can be held, moved, and re-assigned. This is not always the case with digital assets. We provide comprehensive security in circumstances of bankruptcy, dissolution, and litigation. We hold large data sets, databases, and computer images.